That consumers decide to buy products or not In addition to good products with good quality, attractive packaging Must have a beautiful product label There are outstanding, interesting, important, must have complete product information. Therefore will make the product more complete
The product label is a detailed information bar of the product. The details of the correct product to provide useful information to consumers And allow consumers to consider making purchases easily Which must consist of
- Nutritional information
- The amount of packaging size
- Product number Depending on the type of product
- Components used in products
- Production date, expiration date, manufacturer and distributor
Principles of designing attractive label products
- Don’t forget the most important element. : The important thing in designing a product label is to make the logo attractive. And correspond in the same direction Product design in small businesses May have only one product Brand logos and products may use the same body. But for large business products With many products May have to design the logo to suit each product type And the product label is the same
- Text must be easy to read. : Good label design must be very important to this issue. Should choose a text that is easy to read Because many groups of consumers will pay more attention to reading product labels. Will read the details in the detailed label Should use letters that are not very strange, look clean, comfortable, and the colors that read comfortably as well
- Matching different types of fonts : Must understand product label design, must play with free space, choosing different fonts will help to attract consumers to be interested and convey the meaning of product information to consumers.
- Creating spaces by using white : Another technique for using spaces is white. Will make the difference and distinguish the data clearly, can match the Fonts to be beautiful and white, giving a clean feeling Looks friendly and reliable.
- Selection of images and artistic decoration : Design of products that we see in general that are not professional, only design Will do just put the image of the product or component and paste it into the letter Which is viewed as a form that is not tactful and too blunt All the skilled designers will use the picture to convey that product.
In order to design the product label or logo Including packaging that is beautiful, reliable, attractive, attractive, and most professional Should choose those who have expertise in design So that the designer can help assess how it should look or should be designed In order to get a pleasant result, both beautiful and unique, will help consumers easily remember our products.